
Thursday Nov 12, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep.L
Thursday Nov 12, 2009
Thursday Nov 12, 2009
In This Episode: Our 50th Episode "nothing special"!! I lost my cookies! Dealing with computer issues. The temping trap. Smug anti-Windows people. Zyggyz, what kind of foods are your favorite? Forgetting my passwords. Music By The Crimson Twins! www.crimsontwins.com

Sunday Nov 08, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLIX
Sunday Nov 08, 2009
Sunday Nov 08, 2009
In This Episode: They tend to be a bit fluffy, Two new listeners! Trucker Tom & Robert from Iceland! Doug doesn't care for audio comments, The Founding Fathers, I didn't see any elves, but I did see dolphins! Rush Limbaugh, has Star Trek been done to death? Music By the Crimson Twins! www.crimsontwins.com

Wednesday Nov 04, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLVIII
Wednesday Nov 04, 2009
Wednesday Nov 04, 2009
In This Episode: All meaning is subjective, a proper explanation of PDR, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, shouting louder than the next guy, really nice weather, FIDOnet, evidence vs. faith. Music By the Crimson Twins - www.crimsontwins.com

Saturday Oct 31, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep.XLVII
Saturday Oct 31, 2009
Saturday Oct 31, 2009
In This Episode: Just in time for Halloween, Scott and I chat about Christmas, I prefer a more casual environment, they've reaminated it! I'm probably kidding myself, it's a vintage theater in Chicago, latency would be bad! Music by the Crimson Twins, www.crimsontwins.com

Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLVI
Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
In This Episode: What I did on my birthday, another interview, They don't value education, I'm a little bummed, Pokemon!!, a short discussion of racism as created for Plain Dudes Radio, a sprawling multi-cultural empire. Music By The Crimson Twins, www.crimsontwins.com

Friday Oct 23, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLV
Friday Oct 23, 2009
Friday Oct 23, 2009
In This Episode: A new listener! Welcome to Scott! Another job scam, It was mainly birds, audio comments are welcome, I'm gonna steal it! What's the difference between an audio blog and a podcast? It's hard to find, reading the river, more on the Meaning of Life... Music By the Crimson Twins - www.crimsontwins.com

Monday Oct 19, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLIV
Monday Oct 19, 2009
Monday Oct 19, 2009
In This Episode: An example of GOOD customer service! Canoeing on the Fox River, job offer scams, "Where The Wild Things Are", more music talk with Richard in Florida! Music By The Crimson Twins! www.crimsontwins.com

Thursday Oct 15, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLIII
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
In This Episode: I wonder why some bands become huge and some don't. The workman actually did something this time. The smaller they get the louder and more violent they'll get. Obscure but not unheard of. It's the same people. A nice piece of guitar music. It was all a bit much for them.

Sunday Oct 11, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLII
Sunday Oct 11, 2009
Sunday Oct 11, 2009
In This Episode: Adventures in crappy customer service! Watching aminals swim. The interview will probably appear eventually. What to expect if you try to find work through a staffing agency. I wouldn't mind that commute too much. Should I switch to one 1-hour show per week or keep the current format? An email from Ross. Music By The Crimson Twins! www.crimsontwins.com

Wednesday Oct 07, 2009
Tom Harris USA, Ep. XLI
Wednesday Oct 07, 2009
Wednesday Oct 07, 2009
In This Episode: My first post-employment show! I talk about my approach to job-hunting and how I attempt to keep myself from getting lazy while looking for work. Also, Richard weighs in and offers some significant insight into the new Beatles remasters! Music By The Crimson Twins, www.crimsontwins.com